Hi everyone. I’m Stephanie LI.
Coming up on today’s program.
Global business leaders at Summer Davos express confidence in China;
China first enters Top 20 in WEF’s Energy Transition Index ranking.
Here’s what you need to know about China in the past 24 hours
Beefing up their presence in China will only move multinationals forward with stronger growth over the long term, despite rising uncertainties over decoupling and supply chain disruptions, said global business leaders on the sidelines of the Summer Davos Forum in Tianjin.
They made the remarks as Premier Li Qiang said at the forum on Tuesday that China has full confidence and the ability to achieve steady economic growth and high-quality development for a long time to come.
The country"s economy shows clear rebound and improvement momentum with the first-quarter GDP growing 4.5 percent year-on-year, and is expected to expand faster in the second quarter, Li emphasized, adding that it will offer "a consistent source of dynamism" to global economic recovery and growth.
Wang Rui, senior vice-president of US tech company Intel and chair of Intel China, said many international companies attach great importance to the Chinese market, and "Intel will firmly adhere to its development strategy in China".
"The Chinese market has vast opportunities and provides an open business environment. Intel"s innovative technology is also in line with the high-quality development demands of the Chinese economy. This is a mutually beneficial relationship," Wang said.
George Xu, CEO of Airbus China, said: "Airbus China plans to expand its recruitment of new energy talent to support its green transformation and sustainable development."
Xu said that in China, even faced with challenges from the COVID-19 pandemic, the company increased its headcount by 15 to 20 percent on a yearly basis.
Even with rising decoupling challenges, Wu Chun, managing partner of Boston Consulting Group Greater China, said that the country has demonstrated its resolution to join hands with all other stakeholders to tackle challenges and seek win-win outcomes, thus providing confidence and stability in an uncertain world.
It gives an extra vote of confidence for multinationals to grow in the country over the long term, Wu added.
China made the top 20 of the Energy Transition Index ranking for the first time as the world’s largest energy consumer continues to advance its carbon peak and neutrality goals, according to a report from the World Economic Forum. China ranked 17th in this year’s list with a score of 64.9, moving up 51 spots from 2021, the WEF Fostering Effective Energy Transition 2023 showed yesterday.
Moving on to regional highlights
The World Artificial Intelligence Conference (WAIC) 2023 will be held from July 6 to 8 in Shanghai, according to a press conference held by the municipal government on Thursday. The WAIC will feature more than 30 large language models from all over the world and four Turing Award winners, including David Patterson. Nobel laureate Michael Levitt, over 80 domestic and foreign academicians, and more than 1,400 guests, including 50 executives and talents from Tesla, Microsoft, Amazon, Apple, Huawei Technologies, and Alibaba Group Holding, will attend, and more than 400 enterprises will exhibit their products in a 50,000 square meter area, with all figures setting new records.
Beijing’s local government unveiled a new action plan on Wednesday for industrial innovation and development in the robot industry from 2023-2025, aiming to boost self-development across the supply chain in key technology areas.By 2025, Beijing"s innovation capability in the robot industry will be greatly improved and 100 types of high-tech and high value-added robot products will be cultivated, along with 100 application scenarios. The city"s robot industry is expected to generate revenue of more than 30 billion yuan by 2025.
The 2023 World New Energy and New Materials Conference (WEMC) kicked off on Wednesday in Ordos, North China"s Inner Mongolia. The conference witnessed the signing of numerous billion-dollar new orders, as several cities in Inner Mongolia inked agreements with business representatives, resulting in a total of 33 agreements for new energy and materials projects, amounting to a combined value of 429.25 billion yuan.
世界新能源新材料大會簽約33個項目:6月28日,以“能源新時代 世界新未來”為主題的2023世界新能源新材料大會在內蒙古鄂爾多斯市開幕。會上,內蒙古各盟市分別與企業(yè)代表簽訂協(xié)議,達成新能源、新材料項目協(xié)議33項,總金額達4292.5億元。
The world"s largest 16-megawatt offshore wind turbine was successfully installed off the coast of East China"s Fujian Province on Wednesday and is about to be put into commercial operation soon.The turbine can generate 66 million kWh of clean electricity annually, which can meet the normal electricity consumption of 36,000 families for one year.
Next on industry and company news
Alibaba Group Holding"s logistics arm Cainiao unveiled an express delivery service on Wednesday to facilitate sales from its e-commerce platforms. The new service, under the brand name Cainiao Express, is based on the original courier operation of Tmall Supermarket, and promises half-day, same-day and next-day door-to-door delivery across 300 Chinese cities, the Hangzhou-based company said. Meanwhile, Cainiao said yesterday it will partner with its parent company"s international retail platform AliExpress to launch an industry-first five-day global delivery service offering.
5G is driving new value creation, and 5.5G is the next step forward, which Huawei expects to further stimulate the market for next-generation mobile services, Meng Wanzhou, Huawei"s rotating chairwoman and CFO, said in a keynote speech at the Mobile World Congress (MWC)Shanghai on Wednesday. Meng said 5G connections worldwide are expected to reach 5 billion by 2030, up from an estimated 1.5 billion connections this year. It is also exploring the five connectivity areas expected to go mainstream with 5.5G - connectivity for people, for things, for vehicles, for industries and for homes.
Volcengine, an affiliate of ByteDance, has released a large language model platform called Volcano Ark, which helps enterprises evaluate and fine-tune LLMs made by others and make reasoning based on live data, the cloud service provider said in a press conference yesterday. The new product is compatible with several LLMs, including Baichuan Intelligent, established by Sogou founder Wang Xiaochuan, and MOSS, developed by Fudan University.
Switching gears to financial news
China will explore and advance the possibility of adding a digital yuan payment function to citizens" social security cards, according to the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security. With the e-yuan payment function, the government can issue digital yuan subsidies to specific groups, such as basic living allowance to low-income people and agricultural machine and high-quality seed allowances to farmers, media learned from a staffer at a large state-owned bank. The use of the digital yuan will bring unique abilities to the government"s digitized and smart governance, the source said.
Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited (HKEX) today signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Beijing Stock Exchange (BSE), in support of cross listings and sharing insight and expertise to promote the growth of capital markets in both Hong Kong and Beijing. As part of the MOU, HKEX and BSE will support qualified listed companies in each other’s market in making their applications for listings. The exchanges will also work together in a number of areas such as joint marketing programs, joint research projects, investor education and personnel exchanges, according to HKEX.
Wrapping up with a quick look at the stock market
Chinese stocks fell on Thursday with the benchmark Shanghai Composite easing 0.2 percent and the Shenzhen Component slid 0.1 percent. Hong Kong’s Hang Seng index also closed 1.2 percent lower, and the TECH index dropped 1.7 percent.
Biz Word of the Day
TheACM A. M. Turing Awardis an annual prize given by theAssociation for Computing Machinery(ACM) for contributions of lasting and major technical importance tocomputer science.It is generally recognized as the highest distinction incomputer scienceand is colloquially known as or often referred to as the "Nobel Prize of Computing".
圖靈獎(Turing Award),全稱A.M.圖靈獎(ACMA.M Turing Award),是由美國計算機協(xié)會(ACM)于1966年設立的計算機獎項,名稱取自艾倫·麥席森·圖靈(Alan M. Turing),旨在獎勵對計算機事業(yè)作出重要貢獻的個人 。圖靈獎對獲獎條件要求極高,評獎程序極嚴,一般每年僅授予一名計算機科學家。圖靈獎是計算機領域的國際最高獎項,被譽為“計算機界的諾貝爾獎”。
Executive Editor: Sonia YU
Editor: LI Yanxia
Host: Stephanie LI
Writer: Stephanie LI
Sound Editor: Stephanie LI
Graphic Designer: ZHENG Wenjing, LIAO Yuanni
Produced by 21st Century Business Herald Dept. of Overseas News.
Presented by SFC
編委: 于曉娜
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