China"s tourism sector is set to roar back for the upcoming May Day holidays in more than three years, which has been proved by an upsurge in bookings, with more than 240 million trips estimated by industry insiders.
Consumption is set to further rebound amid the travel boom and estimated to contribute more than 120 billion yuan ($17.35 billion) in consumption.
This May Day holidays mark the first long holiday in China after the Chinese New Year following its optimization in COVID-19 response.
Tourism boom “off the scale”
The May Day holidays this year will fall on Saturday, lasting till May 3. China"s railway systems will manage 120 million passenger trips from Thursday to May 4, an increase of 20 percent from 2019 and the highest level in history, data from China Railway showed on Thursday.
The China Railway said on Saturday that they planned to add over 1,500 trains during April 27 to May 4 and the national daily operation number will reach about 10,500 during the holidays.
Some 69.08 million train tickets have already been sold as of 8 am on Thursday.
According to data from the Civil Aviation Administration of China (CAAC), flight ticket booking volume during the May Day holidays has already crossed 6 million. CAAC predicted that China"s aviation sector will transport about 9 million passengers nationwide during the holidays.
For the domestic market, multiple airline companies will operate a combined 65,000 flights equal to about 12 million seats, which surpassed the transport capacity supply in the same period in 2019. During the holiday, the number of domestic daily flights operated is expected to reach 13,000, up 10 percent over 2019 levels. Prices of domestic flight tickets will be 30 percent more expensive than 2019, according to VariFlight.
On Chinese online travel service, the search for domestic flights for the May Day holidays has surged more than 290 percent year-on-year and recovered 110 percent compared with 2019, while the search for accommodation exceeded over nine times compared with a year ago and jumped nearly 200 percent with 2019 as of April 20.
As for the outbound travel, the first travel peak in more than three years during the upcoming holidays is expected. Search for outbound flights on jumped to 120 percent of the level during the same period in 2019 before the pandemic, while searches for overseas hotels recovered to 70 percent.
For those who prefer a road trip, the Ministry of Transport has cautioned that traffic on China"s expressway network will hit a record on Saturday as travelers set off on the first day of the five-day holiday.
During the holiday, it is estimated that the average daily traffic flow on China"s highways will reach from 53.3 million to 54.3 million vehicle trips, a year-on-year increase of 73 to 77 percent.
Domestic tour orders are on track to match the 2019 level.
Data from shows that as of April 16, domestic tour bookings for the holiday have increased by over 12 times year-on-year, reaching the same level as in 2019 and outbound tour bookings up by over 18 times from a year earlier.
Booking sites for popular scenic spots, such as Beijing"s Summer Palace and the Badaling section of the Great Wall showed they were sold out of tickets for the first few days of the holiday.
As of April 10, comprehensive bookings for domestic accommodations, transportation, and scenic spot tickets for the holiday have increased by about 200 percent compared to the same period in 2019, according to data from Meituan and Dazhong Dianping, a Chinese version of Yelp.
Chinese online travel agency said that roughly 40 percent of its users have booked long-distance trips for the five-day holiday and 25 percent selected trips lasting more than five days.
According to Tuniu, among the popular domestic destinations, Sanya, Dali, Lijiang, Chengdu, Xi"an, Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Ili Kazak autonomous prefecture, and Qingdao rank among the top.
Demand on Minsu, or homestay, also speeds up with the upcoming holiday. As of April 17, bookings of Minsu (a Chinese-style bed-and-breakfast establishment) surged twofold compared with same period of 2019, with average room price reaching 534 yuan ($77.64), according to data from online Minsu booking platform Tujia.
The signature representation is Zibo in Shandong, a city that has recently garnered attention for its barbecue, and the bookings surged by 441 percent on compared with the same period in 2019.
On the other hand, short- or medium-distance family trips and leisure trips to rural areas and more niche destinations will be the major traveling pattern for the holiday.
The order scale for rural tours on for the upcoming holidays has recovered to 137 percent of the same period in 2019, while bookings for accommodation in rural areas on accounted for nearly 40 percent of the platform"s total orders, data from the companies showed.
Chinese market consultancy iiMedia Research Institute said that the travel pattern will further elevate the consumption for matching products covering sectors from catering, accommodations to souvenirs, stressing the holiday as a crucial climax for the consumption boom in the first half of 2023 while paving the way for further recovery.
Outbound travel in recovery
In March, China resumed outbound group tours to 40 more selected countries after resuming overseas group tours to 20 countries in February.
In the latest move, the Chinese Foreign Ministry announced on Tuesday that China will no longer require a negative PCR test result for travelers entering the country.
Within one hour after the announcement, searches for cross-border flights on online travel platform Fliggy surged by 400 percent.
Airlines are speeding up the resumption of international and regional routes. Data shows that the number of cross-border flights in January has recovered to 10 percent of the same period in 2019, and to 15 percent in February.
The May Day holiday will usher in the first peak of growth for outbound tourism this year, further driving the recovery of airlines and local service capabilities, said Sun Jie, CEO of Group.
Figures from show that during the first 10 days of this month, the bookings for overseas travel increased eighteenfold year-on-year, and searches for flight tickets for the upcoming holiday rose ninefold on the platform compared with the previous year.
With the holiday fast approaching, more and more Chinese consumers are expected to embark on outbound journeys, with Southeast Asia, New Zealand and the Maldives remaining the top destinations.
In addition, with the recovery of international air capacity, bookings to the Middle East and Africa, such as the United Arab Emirates, Iran, Egypt and South Africa, as well as in European directions such as Russia, Switzerland, France and Italy, have also seen rapid growth.
Also, Hong Kong is gearing up for a massive influx of visitors during the upcoming holiday, with about 4.61 million people expected to enter or leave the city during the Chinese mainland"s first long break since the resumption of cross-boundary travel.
The busiest day for outbound travelers will be Saturday, with 359,000 people expected to leave the city while the largest crowd of incoming visitors — 422,000 people — may come on Monday, according to the Immigration Department. Hong Kong hotel room rates have surged by as much as five times in the run-up to “golden week” holiday.
However, outbound tourism is just at the early stage of the recovery due to factors such as limited flight capacity and visa issues, industry analysts say.
On Sunday, the number of international passenger flights connecting China and overseas destinations reached nearly 1,000, representing just 30 percent of levels seen in the same period of 2019, said TravelSky Holding Co Ltd, a Beijing-based State-owned travel information provider.
But that has not stopped tourism authorities of many countries coming to China for the first time in three years to stage events to attract Chinese tourists.
In recent weeks, tourism authorities from countries such as Nepal and Malaysia came to China and traveled around the country to promote their tourist attractions. Some, including the tourism authorities of Canada"s Ontario province, chose to tie up with Chinese firms to carry out promotional activities.
Meanwhile, as part of the Hong Kong SAR government"s "Hello Hong Kong" initiative, over 500,000 free round-trip airline tickets are available for grabs for global travelers. These gratis air tickets are sponsored by Hong Kong International Airport and exclude taxes and surcharges, and the hope is they will attract more visitors to the city.
Consumption in full gear
The tourism sector already started warming up long before the holidays, and the government"s support for stimulating consumption and backing the real economy contribute to the rapid rebound of the sector.
In addition to the central government, local governments nationwide have been implementing measures tackling consumption recovery, which has helped to restore the market confidence on top of the nation"s beyond-expectation economic performance in the first quarter.
For instance, multiple cities and provinces in China have been issuing consumption vouchers. East China"s Shandong Province released 528 million yuan worth of coupons, boosting consumption to 10.2 billion yuan, according to media reports.
Amid the huge consumption potential, various shopping festivals and events will be arranged for the holidays. China"s Ministry of Commerce (MOFCOM) along with the Foreign Ministry and other government agencies will organize an online shopping festival from Friday to May 12, focusing on promoting products from Central Asia and ASEAN members.
The commerce ministry said on Thursday that shopping events organized locally will inject more vitality during the holiday.
And if you were not a fan of travel or shopping, you can always rely on a good movie-going trip.
Nearly 20 films have been announced for the May Day holiday period.This is the highest number of films to hit cinemas at once in recent years. Genres of the holiday films run the gamut from action and crime to comedy and suspense films.
The latest hit Japanese animated sports film “The First Slam Dunk”, a "nostalgia trigger" as netizens put it, has earned big at the Chinese mainland box office, bringing in more than 390 million yuan ($56.5 million) in its first five days, according to Chinese ticketing platform Maoyan.According to IMAX China, during its opening weekend, “The First Slam Dunk” grossed a stunning 38 million yuan at the IMAX box office.
Among the many films such as crime film “The Procurator” and star-studded film “Flashover”, action film “Born to Fly” is the most "highly anticipated" movie.As of Thursday, “Born to Fly”, featuring a stellar cast, has raked in over 100 million yuan ($14.5 million) from online ticket booking revenues, according to the box office live tracker Beacon.
Big-budgeted “Chinese Youth: Me and My Youth” consists of three stand-alone stories that recount the struggles of young people in different eras. And the only comedy that will take part in the May Day holiday movie season, “Godspeed” tells a story about a road trip by a -daughter, her boyfriend and her parents.
對于“五一”期間及未來的促消費活動,在4月27日商務部召開的例行新聞發布會上,商務部新聞發言人束玨婷表示,二季度,商務部將組織開展綠色消費季、國際消費季等主題活動,舉辦雙品網購節等專題活動,推出“美麗鄉村 休閑生活”“品牌消費 品質消費”等13個消費場景。各地也將因地制宜舉辦系列活動,推動消費市場穩步恢復。她表示,這些活動均持續至“五一”后,相信將為“五一”消費市場增添更多活力。
Executive Editor: Sonia YU
Editor: LI Yanxia
Host: Stephanie LI
Writer: Stephanie LI
Sound Editor: Stephanie LI
Graphic Designer: ZHENG Wenjing, LIAO Yuanni
Produced by 21st Century Business Herald Dept. of Overseas News.
Presented by SFC
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